Bird List - Joe Tobias
131 Catharine Street, Cambridge, England, CB1 3AP.
I stayed in Samaipata for several weeks in 2001, 2002 and 2003, mostly for work reasons. Finca La Vispera is a peaceful place to stay for anyone passing through Samaipata: it encompasses 6 ha of land 1 km from the town cente, and is ideally situated for anyone wanting to explore the area. Trips can be made independently one hour downhill to Los Volcanes (where you can find Bolivian Recurvebill with a bit of luck), and 1–2 hours uphill to Amboro National Park (try the cloud forest at La Yunga, or the property of Don Gilberto–one of Samaipata’s guides–who can probably show you Southern Horned Curassow if you have a couple of days to spare).
Species list:
The following list is not comprehensive. It was compiled after various walks in the countryside around Samaipata, and from information posted in several reports by other observers, including Mark van Beirs, Brian Gee, Jon Hornbuckle, Sjoerd Mayer, Francisco Sagot, Jan Vermeulen and John van der Woude, It includes all habitat within or immediately adjacent to Samaipata, ie within c.500 m of habitation, and also the road to El Fuerte, the waterfall below El Fuerte (=Puente El Fuerte) and the first couple of kilometres along the pipeline track.
The sequence follows the Lista Anotada de las Aves de Bolivia (Hennessey et al. 2003); where taxonomy varies from this source, species are marked with an asterisk (*). “Boreal migrant” indicates that the species breeds in North America and is usually found at Samaipata between October and April. “Austral migrant” indicates that the species breeds in Argentina and/or Chile, usually appearing around Samaipata between April and September.
[…] = provisional record
TATAUPA TINAMOU Crypturellus tataupa
Commonly heard in scrubby areas around town.
HUAYCO TINAMOU Rhynchotus maculicollis
Small numbers call from bushy or grassy hillsides above the town (regularly heard in scrub near the Eucalypts behind La Vispera).
DARWIN’S NOTHURA Nothura darwinii
Occasionally heard or seen in shrubby areas on hillsides near town (eg near El Fuerte).
STRIATED HERON Butorides striatus
Occasionally recorded at the small wooded ponds near the beginning of the pipeline track
COCOI HERON Ardea cocoi
Singles rarely seen flying over town.
BUFF-NECKED IBIS Theristicus caudatus
Occasional records in fields near Samaipata
TURKEY VULTURE Cathartes aura
Commonly seen circling over town and the surrounding hillsides.
BLACK VULTURE Coragyps atratus
Common throughout the area.
KING VULTURE Sarcorhamphus papa
Singles occasionally seen flying near town, especially over deciduous forests.
ANDEAN CONDOR Vultur gryphus
Regular at cliff sites near Samaipata and 1–5 often seen flying high over the town itself.
SWALLOW-TAILED KITE Elanoides forficatus
Small numbers occasionally seen flying over.
WHITE-TAILED KITE Elanus leucurus
One or two pairs nest close to town and individuals are occasionally seen hunting over grassy areas, such as below La Vispera.
PLUMBEOUS KITE Ictinia plumbea
Small numbers occasionally seen flying close to town.
PLAIN-BREASTED HAWK Accipiter ventralis*
Occasionally seen circling near town (this form sometimes treated as Sharp-shinned Hawk A. striatus).
BLACK-CHESTED BUZZARD-EAGLE Geranoaetus melanoleucus
Occasionally seen soaring near town, breeding near El Fuerte.
ROADSIDE HAWK Buteo magnirostris
Seen regularly at the edge of town, including around La Vispera.
BROAD-WINGED HAWK Buteo platypterus
Boreal migrant. Ones or twos occasionally seen circling near town between November and March.
SHORT-TAILED HAWK Buteo brachyurus
Occasionally seen circling or hunting over hillsides around town, including behind La Vispera and at Puente El Fuerte.
VARIABLE HAWK Buteo polyosoma*
Rarely seen circling near town, including behind La Vispera (if split, the form here would be the Red-backed Hawk).
ZONE-TAILED HAWK Buteo albonotatus
Once seen flying over hillsides behind La Vispera.
MOUNTAIN CARACARA Phalcobaenus megalopterus
Occasionally seen flying over hillsides at the edge of town, including behind La Vispera.
Occasionally seen drifting past town (sometimes known as Southern Caracara).
Sightings of this species were reported near Samaipata by Sjoerd Mayer (beware of juvenile Mountain Caracaras).
AMERICAN KESTREL Falco sparverius
Frequently seen around town, including in the grounds of La Vispera.
BAT FALCON Falco rufigularis
Occasionally seen at the edge of town, occasionally flying over La Vispera.
PEREGRINE FALCON Falco peregrinus
Singles occasionally seen soaring over town, including at La Vispera.
GREY-NECKED WOOD-RAIL Aramides cajanea
Occasionally seen in marshy gullies or wooded areas at the edge of town.
SUNBITTERN Europyga helias
Occasionally seen along rivers near town.
BAND-TAILED PIGEON Columba fasciata
Small groups regularly seen in wooded areas near town.
PALE-VENTED PIGEON Columba cayennensis
A few resident in areas with trees near town.
PLUMBEOUS PIGEON Columba plumbea
Occasionally seen/heard in wooded areas, eg behind El Fuerte.
EARED DOVE Zenaida auriculata
Fairly common breeding bird in gardens around town, including the grounds of La Vispera.
RUDDY GROUND-DOVE Columbina talpacoti
An iirregular visitor, sometimes common, sometimes absent.
PICUI GROUND-DOVE Columbina picui
Occasional sightings but irregular.
WHITE-TIPPED DOVE Leptotila verreauxi
Common. Often seen and heard in shrubland and gardens as well as woods, including around La Vispera.
LARGE-TAILED DOVE Leptotila megalura
Small numbers regularly seen or heard in wooded gullies or hillsides near town, eg along pipeline track, at Puente El Fuerte and behind El Fuerte itself.
BLUE-CROWNED PARAKEET Aratinga acuticaudata
Common: regularly seen around the edge of town, including the grounds of La Vispera.
MITRED PARAKEET Aratinga mitrata
Fairly common near town, especially in areas close to cliffs. Sometimes seen at La Vispera.
Small flocks regularly seen in woodlands near town (eg pipeline trail and Puente El Furte); not usually seen actually flying over town.
RED-BILLED PARROT Pionus sordidus
Reported around Samaipata, although usually a bird of the cloud forests in PN Amboró.
SCALY-HEADED PARROT Pionus maximiliani
Small groups occasionally seen in wooded areas (eg around Puente El Fuerte).
Small numbers seen or heard regularly in flight near the town; their appearance may be seasonal (also known as Blue-fronted Parrot).
Regular wherever there are a few taller trees (not pines or Eucalyptus) near town.
SMOOTH-BILLED ANI Crotophaga ani
Regularly seen or heard in small numbers around town, including the grounds of La Vispera.
GUIRA CUCKOO Guira guira
Common around town, including La Vispera, and even visiting the central square.
STRIPED CUCKOO Tapera naevia
Regularly heard (but more difficult to see) in shrubby areas at the edge of town, including La Vispera.
Regularly heard calling at night in gardens around the edge of town, including the grounds of La Vispera.
FERRUGINOUS PYGMY-OWL Glaucidium brasilianum
Occasionally seen in wooded areas near town, such as Puente El Fuerte.
BAND-TAILED NIGHTJAR Caprimulgus longirostris
Occasionally seen sitting on roads after dark (eg en route to El Fuerte).
SCISSOR-TAILED NIGHTJAR Hydropsalis torquata
A few seen in scrubby areas at the edge of town.
ROTHSCHILD’S SWIFT Cypseloides rothschildi
Occasional groups (sometimes containing scores of individuals) of plain mid-brown swifts over half the size of Streptoprocne zonaris must be this species. They are larger, paler and more uniform than Streptoproce rutila, and lack the chestnut collar.
CHESTNUT-COLLARED SWIFT Streptoprocne rutila
Small groups of this species are regularly seen high over town.
WHITE-COLLARED SWIFT Streptoprocne zonaris
Fairly common but irregular. Occasionally large flocks pass over.
WHITE-TIPPED SWIFT Aeronautes montivagus
This species breeds on cliffs nearby; individuals or small groups occasionally pass over Samaipata, including La Vispera.
ANDEAN SWIFT Aeronautos andicola
Reported over town but much less common than previous species.
BUFF-BELLIED HERMIT Phaethornis subochraceus
Occasionally seen in denser patches of remnant woodland, such as behind El Fuerte and above Puente El Fuerte. Usually a lowland species.
PLANALTO HERMIT Phaethornis pretrei
Fairly common around town, usually in more open areas, including grounds of La Vispera.
GREEN VIOLETEAR Colibri thalassinus
Occasional in gardens and the edge of wooded areas (possibly seasonal).
Reported from near town (scarce or seasonal)
BLACK-THROATED MANGO Anthracothorax nigricollis
Small numbers reported from Puente El Fuerte.
GLITTERING-BELLIED EMERALD Chlorostillbon aureoventris
Common in gardens and around town; several individuals constantly in the grounds of La Vispera.
BLUE-TAILED EMERALD Chlorostillbon mellisugus
Regular near town in more wooded areas.
FORK-TAILED WOODNYMPH Thalurania furcata
Scarce in lower areas of woodland eg downhill along pipeline track and at Puente El Fuerte
Not as common as Chlorostillbon aureoventris, but nevertheless often seen in shrubby areas at the edge of town, reularly visiting flowers at La Vispera and in the town square.
RED-TAILED COMET Sappho sparganura
Scarce; occasionally seen near La Vispera.
SLENDER-TAILED WOODSTAR Microstilbon burmeisteri
Occasionally reported at the edge of woodlands near town; scarce and perhaps seasonal.
Scarce in remnant woodlands near town.
A few records from streams and ponds near town (eg near pipeline trail).
Sometimes encountered near town; more often heard than seen.
SPOT-BACKED PUFFBIRD Nystalus maculatus
Regularly heard near town, but inconspicuous; often in the grounds of La Vispera.
OCELLATED PICULET Picumnus dorbygnianus
Fairly common (but much more often heard than seen) in scrubby or wooded areas round town, including the grounds of La Vispera.
WHITE-WEDGED PICULET Picumnus albosquamatus
Vocalisations of this bird sound exceedingly similar to those of the previous species (with which it might hybridize). Likewise it is occasionally observed in wooded areas near town (eg Pipeline track and behind El Fuerte).
DOT-FRONTED WOODPECKER Veniliornis frontalis
Scarce in wooded areas near town, eg along pipeline track.
LINEATED WOODPECKER Dryocopus lineatus
A few pairs remain in wooded areas near town.
NARROW-BILLED WOODCREEPER Lepidocolaptes angustirostris
Occurs in any area with taller trees, including the grounds of La Vispera.
RUFOUS HORNERO Furnarius rufus
Often seen and heard around town. Two or more pairs nesting in the grounds of La Vispera.
SOOTY-FRONTED SPINETAIL Synallaxis frontalis
Common near town in hedgerows and scrub, including in the grounds of La Vispera.
AZARA’S SPINETAIL Synallaxis azarae samaipatae
Fairly common in taller scrub and woodlands around town (eg pipeline track and woodlands behind El Fuerte). If samaipatae is treated as a race of A. superciliosa, it is known as Buff-browed Spinetail.
Occasionally seen or heard in scrubby woodland near town, but more common downhill towards Las Cuevas. Sometimes included in a separate genus, Peocilurus.
STRIPE-CROWNED SPINETAIL Cranioleuca pyrrhophia
Occasionally seen or heard in trees around town (where it creeps around in the canopy), including near La Vispera.
THORNBIRD sp. Phacellodomus (presumably rufifrons or striaticeps)
Reported in tall scrub near town.
BUFF-BROWED FOLIAGE-GLEANER Syndactyla rufosuperciliata
Occasional in wooded areas near town, eg pipeline track.
Regularly seen above Puente El Fuerte (by the main road below the town).
GIANT ANTSHRIKE Batara cinerea
Scarce in thick tall scrub or woodland near town, ie pipeline road area and near El Fuerte.
Occassionally encountered in extensively scrubby areas near town.
CHESTNUT-BACKED ANTSHRIKE Thamnophilus palliatus
Occasionally seen (or more often heard) in scrubby or wooded areas near town.
VARIABLE ANTSHRIKE Thamnophilus caerulescens
Fairly common in thicker scrub and woodland near the edge of town.
RUFOUS-CAPPED ANTSHRIKE Thamnophilus torquatus
Regularly heard in gardens, gullies and dense shrubbery at the edge of town (including grounds of La Vispera).
BLACK-CAPPED ANTWREN Herpsilochmus atricapillus
Found in small numbers in woodland near town (eg pipeline track and behind El Fuerte).
WHITEBACKED FIREEYE Pyriglena leuconota
Found in scraps of forest near town (eg along the pipeline track), but declining as habitat is destroyed.
SHORT-TAILED ANTTHRUSH Chamaeza campanisoma
Small numbers still present (but difficult to see) in woodland along the pipeline track.
SLATY GNATEATER Conopophaga ardesiaca
Occasionally recorded, at least until recently, in wooded areas near town (eg pipeline track) but much harder to find now that much habitat has been destroyed.
OLIVE-CROWNED CRESCENTCHEST Melanopareia maximiliani
Recorded along the pipeline track in newly cleared areas, and found breeding in shrubs alongside the rock at El Fuerte.
SCLATER’S TYRANNULET Phyllomyias sclateri
Probably resident in forested areas such as the woods behind El Fuerte.
Often reported from the area, and doubtless occurs at least as a migrant, but difficult to separate from the E. pallatangae.
SMALL-BILLED ELAENIA Elaenia parvirostris
Small numbers breed in areas with scattered trees, including near the garden of La Vispera.
LESSER ELAENIA Elaenia chiriquensis
A few seen or heard in scrubby habitat on hillsides around town, where this species seems to breed.
HIGHLAND ELAENIA Elaenia obscura
Small numbers breed in thicker vegetation and shrubby gullies on hillsides near the edge of town.
SIERRAN ELAENIA Elaenia pallatangae
A few seen or heard on higher bushy hillsides, including in shrubbery around El Fuerte.
Fairly common around town. Seen or heard in small numbers in scrubby growth or scattered trees, including at La Vispera.
Scarce and irregular in scrubby areas near town.
Small numbers breeding in shrubby areas near town, regularly visiting the grounds of La Vispera.
Fairly common in scrubby patches around town, including the grounds of La Vispera.
SLATY-CAPPED FLYCATCHER Leptopogon superciliaris
Fairly common in remnant woodlands near town (eg the wood behind El Fuerte).
Occasionally seen in broken habitat, shrubby areas or scattered trees near town.
[PLAIN TYRANNULET Inezia inornata]
A “probable” record mentioned for Samaipata by Brian Gee.
GREATER WAGTAIL-TYRANT Stigmatura budytoides
Scarce in shrubby areas around town, sometimes appearing in the grounds of La Vispera.
PEARLY-VENTED TODY-TYRANT Hemitriccus margaritaceiventer
Fairly common and vocal in scrubby habitat around the edges of town
OCHRE-FACED TODY-FLYCATCHER Todirostrum plumbeiceps
Present, but inconspicuous, in wooded areas near town (eg pipeline track and behind El Fuerte)
YELLOWOLIVE FLYCATCHER Tolmomyias sulphurescens
Uncommon: small numbers survive in patches of trees near town, mostly along river-courses or pipeline track etc.
Occasionally seen in scrubby habitat around the edges of town, including in the grounds of La Vispera.
CLIFF FLYCATCHER Hirundinea ferruginea
Fairly common around the edges of town, regularly visiting the grounds of La Vispera.
BLACK PHOEBE Sayornis nigricans
Regularly seen along rivers (eg at Puente El Fuerte).
WHITE-WINGED BLACK-TYRANT Knipolegus aterrimus
Fairly common breeding bird in open scrubby or rocky habitat surrounding town (occasionally in the grounds of La Vispera).
YELLOW-BROWED TYRANT Satrapa icterophrys
Regularly seen (and sometimes common) in grassy or bushy areas around town, including the grounds of La Vispera.
STREAK-THROATED BUSH-TYRANT Myiotheretes striaticollis
Occasionally found on dry hillsides near town, eg near El Fuerte and on hillsides above La Vispera.
GREAT KISKADEE Pitangus sulphuratus
Reported from near town.
GOLDEN-CROWNED FLYCATCHER Myiodynastes chrysocephalus
Occasionally seen around Puente El Fuerte, and possibly present in other woodlands near town
STREAKED FLYCATCHER Myiodynastes maculatus
Regularly seen around town, breeding in remnant woodlands.
Regularly seen around town in scrubby habitat, including in the grounds of La Vispera (seems to breed nearby).
CROWNED SLATY FLYCATCHER Griseotyrannus aurantioatrocristatus
Migrants occasionally observed at the edge of woods near town (eg behind El Fuerte).
TROPICAL KINGBIRD Tyrannus melancholicus
Common throughout, including thee grounds of La Vispera.
A few records of small numbers during migration periods.
DUSKY-CAPPED FLYCATCHER Myiarchus tuberculifer
Regular in remnant woodlands near town (eg behind El Fuerte)
PALE-EDGED FLYCATCHER Myiarchus cephalotes
Occasionally sighted in the pipeline road area and at El Fuerte, but certainly not as common as the previous species.
Occasionally seen in bushy and scrubby habitat surrounding town.
WHITE-WINGED BECARD Pachyramphus polychopterus
A few pairs hold territories in wooded areas along the pipeline track.
CRESTED BECARD Pachyramphus validus
Occasionally seen in more wooded habitat near town.
Fairly common in scrub and gardens around town
Common and noisy breeding bird in scrubby areas around town, including the grounds of La Vispera.
BROWN-CAPPED VIREO Vireo leucophrys
A few seen in woodland behind El Fuerte.
REDEYED VIREO Vireo olivaceus
Common and vocal breeding bird around town, including in the grounds of La Vispera.
PURPLISH JAY Cyanocorax cyanomelas
Present in woodlands near town, including behind El Fuerte.
PLUSH-CRESTED JAY Cyanocorax chrysops
Fairly common in gullies with tall shrubs or trees near town, including along the road above La Vispera.
PURPLE MARTIN Progne subis
Boreal migrant. Small numbers occasionally seen hawking over the town between October and March.
BLUE-AND-WHITE SWALLOW Notiochelidon cyanoleuca
Common breeding bird around town, including La Vispera and the town square.
BARN SWALLOW Hirundo rustica
Migrants occasionally seen near town.
MOUSTACHED WREN Thryothorus genibarbis
A few regularly encountered in remnant woodlands near town (eg behind El Fuerte).
HOUSE WREN Troglodytes aedon
Very common breeding bird around town, including the grounds of La Vispera
MASKED GNATCATCHER Polioptila dumicola
Small numbers regular in wooded areas around town, including grounds of La Vispera.
SWAINSON’S THRUSH Catharus ustulatus
Boreal migrant. Occasionally seen near La Vispera and fairly common in remnant woodlands near town between October and March.
GREAT THRUSH Turdus fuscater
Reported from near Samaipata, possibly a seasonal visitor (or confused with the previous species).
CHIGUANCO THRUSH Turdus chiguanco
A breeding species in scrubby cliffs and hillsides near town (eg around El Fuerte)
RUFOUS-BELLIED THRUSH Turdus rufiventris
Common breeding bird around town, including grounds of La Vispera.
CREAMY-BELLIED THRUSH Turdus amaurochalinus
Common breeding bird, including in the grounds of La Vispera.
HELLMAYR’S PIPIT Anthus hellmayri
One seen and heard displaying near El Fuerte.
BANANAQUIT Coereba flaveola
Scarce visitor to wooded areas around town.
ORANGE-HEADED TANAGER Thlypopsis sordida
A few records from shrubby or wooded areas near town.
BLACK-GOGGLED TANAGER Trichothraupis melanops
Regularly observed in wooded areas such as behind El Fuerte, and the waterfall on the main road below (Puente El Fuerte).
Occasionally seen near town, but quite scarce.
SAYACA TANAGER Thraupis sayaca
Fairly common in tall scrub or gardens, including at La Vispera.
BLUE-AND-YELLOW TANAGER Thraupis bonariensis
Fairly common in tall scrub or gardens, including at La Vispera.
FAWN-BREASTED TANAGER Pipraeidea melanonota
Regularly reported from remnant woodlands near town.
One report from near La Vispera, although this is an unusually high altitude for this species.
SWALLOW-TANAGER Tersina viridis
Reported from wooded areas near town.
GUIRA TANAGER Hemithraupis guira
Found in small numbers in woodlands near town.
RUSTY FLOWERPIERCER Diglossa sittoides
Scarce and inconspicuous in degraded habitats with scattered trees near town.
COMMON BUSH-TANAGER Chlorospingus ophthalmicus
A few in woodlands behind El Fuerte.
Occasionally seen in patches of scattered trees near town.
Fairly common in areas where trees remain, including near La Vispera.
GOLDEN-RUMPED EUPHONIA Euphonia cyanocephala
Reported from wooded areas near town.
RUFOUS-COLLARED SPARROW Zonotrichia capensis
Common, including around La Vispera.
GRASSLAND SPARROW Ammodramus humeralis
A few in grassy areas around town and along the pipeline track.
GREY-CRESTED FINCH Lophospingus griseocristatus
Occasionally seen in scrubby areas near town, including close to La Vispera.
Scarce in low shrubs and partially cleared areas around town (including garden of Mahikari).
Scarce in scrubby areas near town. If this form is treated as conspecific with P. whitii from the lowlands of Brazil/Argentina etc, it is called Black-and-rufous Warbling-finch.
Small numbers regularly found in shrubby areas near town.
Common in scrub and scattered trees around town, including grounds of La Vispera.
SAFFRON FINCH Sicalis flaveola
Very common around town; breeding at La Vispera, competing against House Wrens for nest boxes.
GREAT PAMPA-FINCH Embernagra platensis
One or two singing in grassland beside El Fuerte.
BLUEBLACK GRASSQUIT Volatinia jacarina
Small numbers breeding in grassy areas near town.
DOUBLECOLLARED SEEDEATER Sporophila caerulescens
Common breeding bird in open or bushy areas near town, including the grounds of La Vispera.
WHITE-BELLIED SEEDEATER Sporophila leucoptera
Scarce breeder in bushy areas around town (including gardens of Mahikari). This distinctive form is sometimes treated as a separate species S. bicolor.
DARK-THROATED SEEDEATER Sporophila ruficollis
Seasonal visitor in small numbers to grassy areas near town.
Small numbers regularly found in drier hillsides or shrubby habitat near the village.
Occasionally seen (or heard seasonally) in grassy and bushy areas near town, but usually scarce.
SAFFRON-BILLED SPARROW Arremon flavirostris
Fairly common in wooded habitats near town, wherever a few trees survive along watercourses etc.
Reported from wooded areas near town, eg pipeline track.
RED-CRESTED FINCH Coryphospingus cucullatus
Fairly common in scrubby areas, roadside and gardens around town, including the grounds of La Vispera.
BLACK-BACKED GROSBEAK Pheucticus aureoventris
Quite often observed in woodlands near town. Probably seasonal in occurrence, disappearing in the wet season.
Recorded in small numbers in wooded areas near town.
GOLDEN-BILLED SALTATOR Saltator aurantiirostris
A common breeding bird around town, including in the grounds of La Vispera.
ULTRAMARINE GROSBEAK Cyanocompsa brissonii
Fairly common in shrubby gullies near town, including in the grounds of La Vispera.
TROPICAL PARULA Parula pitiayumi
Small numbers breeding in areas where trees or tall shrubs remain, including near La Vispera. Fairly common in remnant woodlots (eg Pipeline track and El Fuerte).
MASKED YELLOWTHROAT Geothlypis aequinoctialis
Fairly common in bushy or grassy areas near town, including along the road above La Vispera.
BROWN-CAPPED REDSTART Myioborus brunniceps
Fairly common in tall scrub and gullies with trees or shrubs near town; more often heard than seen.
TWOBANDED WARBLER Basileuterus bivittatus
Regular along the pipeline track and in woodlands behind El Fuerte.
CRESTED OROPENDOLA Psarocolius decumanus
Small numbers nest around Puente El Fuerte and the lower pipeline track
EPAULET ORIOLE Icterus cayanensis
Occasionally observed in taller dry woods near town.
CHOPI BLACKBIRD Gnorimopsar chopi
Small parties occasionally seen near town, but scarce.
BAY-WINGED COWBIRD Moluthrus badius
Fairly common around town (numbers seem to fluctuate seasonally, lowest in the wet season).
SHINY COWBIRD Molothrus bonariensis
Fairly common around town, including La Vispera (young birds here being fed by Rufous Horneros).
HOODED SISKIN Carduelis magellanica
Fairly common in scrubby habitat and gardens around town, including La Vispera
YELLOW-BELLIED SISKIN Carduelis xanthogastra
Occasional records from semi-wooded areas around town.
HOUSE SPARROW Passer domesticus
Resident around the village square.
El Herbolario
Diariamente secamos hierbas y se las procesa en deliciosas mezclas y extractos de hierbas. Además producimos “chutney” de mango & tomate cherry, mermelada de ruibarbo, flor de jamaica, mousse de Mango y néctares frutales. Nos especializamos en las verduras de hoja y flores comestibles. Nuestros productos se aplican en el menú Slow Food del Café Jardín.
Slow Food, comida hecha al instante con ingredientes frescos directo desde nuestras terrazas. Y, por supuesto, con mucho amor.
Todas las casas bellamente terminadas están construidas principalmente con materiales locales naturales. Hemos estado jugando con formas circulares, la Proporción Dorada Φ y el Feng Shui. En las casas redondas aplicamos adobe común y superadobe, reciclamos botellas y llantas, utilizando diversas técnicas y expresiones artísticas.
Parque Nativo
La Finca alberga unas 90 especies de aves; se puede encontrar iguanas, zorros, erizos, ardillas, zorrillos, comadrejas, cuys, murciélagos, a veces incluso un venado andino, un puerco espín o un gato montés.
En el Parque Nativo cuidamos plantas y árboles nativos. Los muros de piedra son un recordatorio de la antigua Vía del Inca conduciendo al santuario local, las actuales ruinas de “El Fuerte”.